21 Year History
July, 2000. It was a sunny day on a beach in Greece when 20-year-old, soon-to-be entrepreneur, Curtis Smith, thought "Why can't group tours be made to feel less like tours and more like a group of friends traveling together, feeling free and taking it easy?"
It was that spark that has ignited literally hundreds of thousands of beautiful, life-changing moments for thousands of travellers who have chosen to let Curtis and his Free & Easy family take them on the best trip of their lives. His passion for travel, the ever-growing FnEZ community and the constant gushing feedback of "that changed my life" has kept that flame alive!
Free & Easy slowly grew from a one-man show to a team of people handling hundreds of travelers a summer. For 6 years, everything was all about Thailand but soon we were adding 1-2 countries every year until we had a menu of 18 countries around the world offering trips year-round. For a while, we were the only people offering this style of a laid-back, group travel experience but these days we are blushing due to all that flattering imitation. Nobody does it like the originals though. ;)
Along the way we have launched two partner brands who have grown into amazing experience providers in their own right. Detours Travel created for the gay male traveler as well as Breathe in Life for the health and wellness crowd.
As we have aged beyond the demographic of Free & Easy our interests have grown too. The downtime during the pandemic has allowed us to follow some dreams of offering trips for an older demographic - Evolution Travel for 25-45ish-year-olds. This will ensure that those of us who age out of the FnEZ demographic will still have a place to run wild and free and not feel lame if they aren't familiar with Tik Tok! :)
There are no plans of stopping with the Free & Easy Classic trip meant for a younger generation of travelers (TikTokkers welcome!) who want to see the world in a safe, cost-effective, and inspiring way. We have over 20 years of experience under our belts and we've survived a friggin' pandemic! Let's go traveling together shall we?