20% off Bali trips between 16 Apr and 28 May. Limited time only!

The Free & Easy Family

We like to call ourselves a family because besides actually being blood relations with many of our "colleagues" (a word which we avoid) we are united in a way that brings us much closer than your typical "staff" (another stuffy word that doesn't seem right). We have grown organically over the years with new, qualified friends joining up as we meet them throughout our travels. We build our team by allowing life to throw us capable people who we meet on the road. So far this trust in fate has not disappointed. Getting to know someone by traveling with them has to be the most fail-proof interview process.

This is how Free and Easy has grown and evolved from a one-man-show taking a group to Greece in 2001 to a multi-person team promoting ourselves across Canada (and abroad) and taking people to various countries all throughout the year. We are proud of the solid folks we work/travel/live with and I am sure you'll see why if you ever get a chance to travel with them.

Check out the individual profiles and see which family members are actively traveling with us.

Curtis "Cee" Smith
Slice "Sly" Johnson
Evan Bachman
Josh Fink
Joel Roca

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