Colombia & Peru trips on sale! $100 - $500 off for a limited time.
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Cody Webber

Trip Leader

Frontier, Saskatchewan

Favourite Attributes:
Goofy Professor, Lover of History, Creator of Fun.

English. Bit of Thai

Favourite Travel Destination:

It is impossible to pick just one so here is my top 5.
1- Smileys Lake House- Southern Thailand
2- Queenstown- New Zealand
3- Gili T- Indonesia
4- Escameca- Nicaragua
5- Railay- Southern Thailand

What countries have you travelled to?
America, Mexico, Turks and Caicos, Nicaragua, Chile, Argentina, New Zealand, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Costa Rica, Malaysia, Japan, Thailand

Why I Travel?

Travel to me is Freedom.
Freedom to Explore, to express yourself and create your own unique individual.

It gives you the opportunity to meet amazing people from all parts of the world, all the while stepping out of your comfort zone and doing things you never thought you would do in life. Trying that new food dish, the taste of that first new beer, surfing that first wave, climbing and sleeping on top of an active volcano, slow boating down the river Mekong or exploring some awesome lost temples we see on our travels.
Traveling can change your life, you could meet your one true love, new best friend, or just find out more about yourself.

Live Free and go and experience it all.

Check out Cody's 'Employee of the Month' write-up here


Meet the Family

Curtis "Cee" Smith Rob Campbell Chad Smith Slice "sly" Johnson Ben Copeland Chris Sherry Dusty Anderson Rory Chappelle Patrick Taclob Cody Webber Kyle Stephens Evan Bachman Josh Fink Eden Osmar Jimi Doohan Ben Marsh Jasmin Neve Mike Green Stella Pritchard Joel Roca Evan Volovich Lauren Barnes Beth Garrick Johnny Aitken

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