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Carrie Robinson

Grimshaw, Alberta

Favourite Attributes:
Openness in mind, spirit and eyes

English, Italian

Favourite Travel Destination:
Escameca, Nicaragua

What countries have you travelled to?
Mexico, USA, Italy, Switzerland, England, France, Greece, Turkey, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines

Why I Travel?
Travel means life. It's the best addiction a person can have. It's connected me to my best friends, my best self, and the best of the world. It reminds you to be honest, humble, and kind. It absolutely forces you to be who you truly are. It's crazy, wild, and fun. And the jokes aren't bad either.

Check out Carrie's 'Employee of the Month' write-up here


Meet the Family

Curtis "Cee" Smith Rob Campbell Chad Smith Slice "sly" Johnson Ben Copeland Chris Sherry Dusty Anderson Rory Chappelle Patrick Taclob Cody Webber Kyle Stephens Evan Bachman Josh Fink Eden Osmar Jimi Doohan Ben Marsh Jasmin Neve Mike Green Stella Pritchard Joel Roca Evan Volovich Lauren Barnes Beth Garrick Johnny Aitken

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